Saturday, October 10, 2009

grilled lemon chicken with satay sauce

Barefoot Contessa for lunch and dinner! I really liked this chicken because you could taste the lemon freshly squeezed - completely different from lemon pepper chicken seasoning. I marinated this for a while, since our dinner plans for last night changed kind of last minute, and we had it for lunch today. Instead of grilling it outside I used the George Foreman and cooked it until the temperature was right. The chicken was tender and juicy - it almost doesn't need any sauce.

The satay sauce was ok - rather peanut butter-y. I didn't save any of it after lunch because there was no more chicken and it wasn't good enough to use on anything else. It was very thick and gooey to be a dipping sauce, and so it's just as well we were using forks instead of skewers. I thought about the skewers, but the package was huge and what was I going to do with 100 extra skewers?? I thought about toothpicks, but since it was a meal more than an appetizer, forks just made more sense.

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