Sunday, May 9, 2010

Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich

I made these sandwiches after her great description of them. I would say we voted them good to Ok, ours were a bit chewy. I tried my hardest to cut the slices across the grain, but it was hard with it being so tenderized! I couldn't tell where the grain was half of the time. That could have been part of the chewy problem.
Here is my 2 year old trying her hand at cooking in cast iron! Not sure why the pink sunglasses...she has an odd fashion sense sometimes!

I felt super pioneer-y with my cast iron skillet and cast iron griddle going at the same time!
So, you ask...would I make these again? Probably not, but that is mainly because I have a sandwich recipe similar to this (with different meat and added melted cheese) that we really like, and it is healthier. But as always, it was fun to try something new! --Carissa

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Today I was making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and kept smelling something really yummy...then I figured out it was the cast iron still had the seasonings from the Marlboro man sandwich! Once it was heated up again it smelled like the sandwich...which is a good smell, so I didn't mind it being added to my grilled cheese!