Saturday, May 28, 2011

Southwestern-Style Salmon Cakes ~ page 253

These were super yummy!!! Adam ate 5 1/2 of them and had to hold himself back from eating more. I have always used canned salmon for salmon cakes....I think I will always want to use fresh salmon from now on. The texture was so much better, not mushy. The only change I would do next time is to reduce the amount of corn a little, that would probably help them stick together a bit more, they were a little delicate. The recipe says to make 4 large patties....That is way to big I think. I made 11 patties that were 3 inches across and I thought that was perfect! I served steamed broccoli on the aide to offset the oil that the patties were cooked in. Now did it pass the 30 minute test? NO, it did not, but then again I doubt that the Cooks Illustrated test chefs had to deal with 3 kids climbing on them while they cooked dinner! --Carissa

1 comment:

Darby Hawley said...

Oh Carissa these looks soooooo good!! I will have to add this one to my list :-)